Drag and drop category management with CakePHP

Today’s article is going to walk you through creating a slick drag and drop with AJAX category management system.

CakePHP offers a really nice built-in tree management.  In fact, at a bare minimum you simply need to create a table with 2 extra columns, tell your model to act like a “tree” and rather than doing a find(‘all’) you do a generatetreelist() or a find(‘threaded’) and CakePHP takes care of the rest.

After doing a quick test, I was quite impressed with what CakePHP did for me, but I was not satisified.  I wanted to create a really slick category management system that I can re-use and show off.  Well, in this tutorial I go about 90% of the way.  The only thing I didn’t have time to finish was, rather than redrawing my tree through AJAX, use DHTML and dynamically update my tree after dragging and dropping.  Don’t worry, I plan to finish this with a part two soon.

Here are a couple of screen shots of the system in action:

Initial view of system
Initial view of system
Dragging a new category
Dragging a new category
Moving a sub category and it's children
Moving a sub category and it's children
More categories populated
More categories populated

I know it’s not the most beautiful system in the word.  But, I hope it drives the point home of how much potential there is with this system.  To create all of the code below and do a bit of testing, it took about 3 hours total!  A normal category management system of unlimited sub categories would probably take me a couple of days AND there is no way it could match the “coolness” factor of this application.

Also, in case the screen shots are not quite clear.  To create a new category, type the name in the text box and drag the red rectangle above to where you want to place it.  The category it will be placed in will be highlighted in yellow.  If you wish to move a category or entire branch, simply drag it and move it to the new category.

Ok, let’s move on to the actual code.  The first thing to do is create our categories table:

[code]CREATE TABLE  `categories` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `parent_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `lft` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `rght` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

If you’ve ever built a category system, the first three columns should look familiar.  The key columns here though are the fourth and fifth columns, the lft and rght.  CakePHP automatically deals with these columns for us whenever we save or delete data.  For a detailed explanation, view this document from Mysql: http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/hierarchical-data.html

Now that our table is created, the next thing I did was bake my model, controller, and views.  After I baked all three, I had to update and remove a few things.  First off our model, the simplest part of the process:

class Category extends AppModel {

 var $name = ‘Category’;
 var $actsAs = array(‘Tree’);


As I mentioned before, the only thing special to note here is the “actAs” is set to “tree”.  Next up is our controller, it’s also quite basic:

class CategoriesController extends AppController {

 var $name = ‘Categories’;
 var $helpers = array(‘Html’, ‘Form’, ‘Javascript’);

 function index() {
  // if it’s ajax, set ajax layout
  if (!empty($this->params[‘named’][‘isAjax’]))
   $this->layout = ‘ajax’;

  $categories = $this->Category->find(‘threaded’);

 function add() {
  if (!empty($this->data)) {
   if ($this->Category->save($this->data)) {
    $this->Session->setFlash(__(‘The Category has been saved’, true));
   } else {
    $this->Session->setFlash(__(‘The Category could not be saved. Please, try again.’, true));

 function edit($id = null) {
  if (!$id && empty($this->data)) {
   $this->Session->setFlash(__(‘Invalid Category’, true));
  if (!empty($this->data)) {
   if ($this->Category->save($this->data)) {
    $this->Session->setFlash(__(‘The Category has been saved’, true));
   } else {
    $this->Session->setFlash(__(‘The Category could not be saved. Please, try again.’, true));
  if (empty($this->data)) {
   $this->data = $this->Category->read(null, $id);

 function delete($id = null) {
  if (!$id) {
   $this->Session->setFlash(__(‘Invalid id for Category’, true));
  if ($this->Category->del($id)) {
   $this->Session->setFlash(__(‘Category deleted’, true));


As you will see, nothing to special is going on inside of our controller.  I’ve removed the redirects on successful save for the add and edit.  I didn’t include deleting in this example, but it certainly would not be a lot of work to add it in.  I’ve done two other things.  The first is, if I pass in an isAjax parameter, I set the layout to ajax.  This prevents the entire layout from re-drawing with each Ajax call.  The second thing I did, was change my find(‘all’) to find(‘threaded’).  If we used the generatetreelist() instead, it creates a flat JavaScript array with an identifier for each child level, this is why we use threaded because it creates a recursive array that makes it easier in code to navigate through.

Next up is our app\views\categories\index.ctp file:

$javascript->link(array(‘jquery’, ‘jquery-ui’), false);
  //set up the droppable list elements
  $(“ul li”).droppable({
   accept: “.ui-draggable”,
   hoverClass: ‘droppable-hover’,
   greedy: true,
   tolerance: ‘pointer’,
   drop: function(ev, ui) {
    var dropEl = this;
    var dragEl = $(ui.draggable);

    // get category id
    var parent_id = this.id.substring(9);
    // get category name
    var category_name = $(dragEl.find(“span”).get(0)).html();

    if (!isNaN(parent_id) && category_name.length > 0) {
     var data;
     var url = “categories/”;
     // see if we are adding or editing
     if (dragEl.attr(“id”).substring(0, 9) == “category_”) {
      // get the current id
      var id = dragEl.attr(“id”).substring(9);
      data = { ‘data[Category][id]’: id, ‘data[Category][name]’: category_name, ‘data[Category][parent_id]’:

parent_id };
      url += “edit”;
     } else {
      data = { ‘data[Category][name]’: category_name, ‘data[Category][parent_id]’: parent_id };
      url += “add”;
     // post to our page to save our category
     $.post(url, data, function() {
      $.get(“categories/index/isAjax:1”, function (data) { destroyDraggable(); $(“#content”).html(data);

setupDraggable(); });


 function updateDragBox() {

 function setupDraggable() {
   containment: ‘#categories’,
   stop: function(e,ui) {
    $(this).animate({ left: 0, top:0 }, 500);

   containment: ‘#categories’,

 function destroyDraggable() {
#categories {
 padding: 1em 0.5em;
 width: 90%;
ul li {
 background-color: #FFFFFF;
 border: 1px solid #000000;
 list-style: none;
 margin: 1em 0;
 padding: 1em;
ul li.droppable-hover {
 background-color: #FFF000;
#category {
 border: 1px solid #000000;
 margin-top: 1em;
 padding: 1em;
 width: 97%;
#ui-draggable {
 background: #FF0000;
 padding: 1em;
 position: relative;
 width: 300px;

<h2><?php __(‘Categories’);?></h2>

<ul id=”categories”>
 <li id=”category_0″>
  <?php echo $this->element(‘draw_category’, array(‘data’ => $categories)); ?>
 <div id=”category”>
  <p>Enter a category name in the text box below, then drag the object below into the category you wish it to be a part of.</p>
  <div id=”ui-draggable”><span></span></div>
  <?php echo $form->input(‘Category.name’, array(‘onkeyup’ => ‘updateDragBox()’)); ?>

For simplicity sake during the creation of this article, I have placed the CSS and Javascript all in one file.  I would normally segregate these items.

So what’s happening?  First up, when the document is done loading, we create our droppable elements.  We also call our function to create our draggable elements – both our single draggable element for new categories and all of our current categories in case we would like to re-position them in our tree.

Inside our droppable code, in the drop function we do a couple of important things.  One, get the parent_id of where we dropped it.  Two, get the text value of our category to save as our new name.  Three, determine if we are adding or editing.  If we are adding, we post to the add page with just those two pieces of data.  If we are editing, we also need to parse out our current id and post all three pieces of data to our edit page.

Finally, when our post is done, we re-draw our tree through AJAX.  We also destroy and re-initialize our draggable elements.  In part two I plan to not re-draw our tree in AJAX and instead dynamically move or create the elements.

The last file that you need to see is our recursive element to draw our categories.  This file goes in app/views/elements/draw_category.ctp:

[code]<?php if ($data): ?><ul>
 <?php foreach ($data as $category): ?><li id=”category_<?php echo $category[‘Category’][‘id’]; ?>”><span><?php echo $category[‘Category’][‘name’]; ?></span>
 <?php echo $this->element(‘draw_category’, array(‘data’ => $category[‘children’])); ?>
 </li><?php endforeach; ?>
</ul><?php endif; ?>

It’s job is quite simple.  It loops through all categories, writes it to the screen and calls itself with the child elements.  That’s it for today, I hope you have found this article as much fun as I had writing it!

About the author

  • http://blogs.bigfish.tv/adam/ Adam

    I personally know how much effort is required to publish an article like this, however you should put in the extra effort and have a working online example to help people visualise what you’re talking about.

    Best of luck for your future articles!

  • Jamie

    I was going to place an online demo, but I was afraid people would abuse it and write offensive things that would offend others.

  • ruben cabagti

    I’ve been looking for this before but now it came out. Thanks.

  • http://mingan.name/ Štěpán Pilař

    I’ve been forced to switch from Protoype + script.aculo.us to jQuery and this seems like an useful tip how create the functionality I like.

    But! But I have to agree with Adam that lack of examples is the reason why I just quickly scrolled through your post. Usually I even don’t bother myself with trying to read because as soon as I realize which blog this is (having the most common WP skin makes the site easily forgettable) I close the tab with the thought “This is the blog without examples, doesn’t worth reading”.

  • Abba Bryant

    Instead of abusing named params use the RequestHandler to check for ajax ( it uses XhttpRequestedWith header I believe – supported by mootools, jquery, prototype that I know of )

  • http://derickng.com Derick Ng

    Yeah, as what Abba mentioned by including the RequestHandler component, you can check for an Ajax request using $this->RequestHandler->isAjax(). The other thing to note is that the RequestHandler component will automatically check for Ajax headers and set the layout to “ajax”. So one step saved as well. 😉

  • Luke

    what Abba and Derick said. But not what the others said – babies who need demos and can’t read reasonably laid out code should get a grip. I don’t see their blogs informing people! Bah.

    nice article. There was an aritcle before about doing similar thing with ext-js. JQuery is more common now, so intresting.

  • http://blog.pakcoders.com Waseem Khan

    Hi I read an article of yours on sitereference.com titled “How to get indexed by Google in ONE hour”, I like it and actually I had done the same when I was new in google.

    I have some pages indexed in google for the top ranking.

    I am afraid if you would allow or no but can we have a 2 way linking to each others blog. My blog address is:


    Put the keywords “How to build Ajax AutoSuggest” and you will see my blog on the second ranking and it has been there since months.

    Thanks, waiting for your reply.

  • http://www.maplestorymesosstore.com maple story mesos

    Wonderful article. I been looking for one on a similar note. I guess you always have something up your sleeve.

  • http://www.mesosoon.com maple story mesos

    Great article, again. These informations are especially useful …

  • ML

    To run the index.ctp view without javascript errors, I had to replace ″ with a ” (a double quote) and in line 56 above, I had to remove the quote inside html. So line 56 became $(this).html();

    Do these changes look correct? It works in Firefox, but in IE7 I get the javascript error ‘Expected identify, string, or number” at line 61 above.

    Most grateful for any help. Thanks for a terrific article!

  • ML

    Sorry, the characters that needed replacing naturally rendered as a quote in the above post. I meant to indicate that: & # 8 2 4 3 ; (without the spaces) were replaced.

  • http://www.buy-2moons-dil.com 2moons dil

    Well, to soon to say if it’s good, but at least it’s well designed. I mean I thought I would be blocked after adding some interests, but the site helps you to add more. Cheers

  • http://eugens-web.com Eugen

    app\views\categories\index.ctp file:

    link(array(‘jquery’, ‘jquery-ui’), false);

    //set up the droppable list elements
    $(“ul li”).droppable({
    accept: “.ui-draggable”,
    hoverClass: ‘droppable-hover’,
    greedy: true,
    tolerance: ‘pointer’,
    drop: function(ev, ui) {
    var dropEl = this;
    var dragEl = $(ui.draggable);

    // get category id
    var parent_id = this.id.substring(9);
    // get category name
    var category_name = $(dragEl.find(“span”).get(0)).html();

    if (!isNaN(parent_id) && category_name.length > 0) {
    var data;
    var url = “/path/Categories/”;

    // see if we are adding or editing
    if (dragEl.attr(“id”).substring(0, 9) == “category_”) {
    // get the current id
    var id = dragEl.attr(“id”).substring(9);
    data = { ‘data[Category][id]’: id, ‘data[Category][name]’: category_name, ‘data[Category][parent_id]’: parent_id };
    url += “edit”;
    } else {
    data = { ‘data[Category][name]’: category_name, ‘data[Category][parent_id]’: parent_id };
    url += “add”;

    // post to our page to save our category
    $.post(url, data, function() {
    $.get(“categories/index/isAjax:1″”, function (data) { destroyDraggable(); $(“#content”).html(data); setupDraggable(); });



    function updateDragBox() {

    function setupDraggable() {
    containment: ‘#categories’,
    stop: function(e,ui) {
    $(this).animate({ left: 0, top:0 }, 500);

    containment: ‘#categories’,


    function destroyDraggable() {

    #categories {
    padding: 1em 0.5em;
    width: 90%;

    ul li {
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    list-style: none;
    margin: 1em 0;
    padding: 1em;

    ul li.droppable-hover {
    background-color: #FFF000;

    #category {
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    margin-top: 1em;
    padding: 1em;
    width: 97%;

    #ui-draggable {
    background: #FF0000;
    padding: 1em;
    position: relative;
    width: 300px;

    element(‘draw_category’, array(‘data’ => $categories)); ?>

    Enter a category name in the text box below, then drag the object below into the category you wish it to be a part of.

    input(‘Category.name’, array(‘onkeyup’ => ‘updateDragBox()’)); ?>

  • http://eugens-web.com Eugen

    Man hey, you have problems width ‘, ” by posting in your blog 🙁 a simple solution for : allow textarea html tag by comment posting.

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    Man hey, you have problems width ‘, ” by posting in your blog a simple solution for : allow textarea html tag by comment posting.

  • monoman

    little issue: when I drag an existent element to the root element (category_0), its parent_id becomes NULL. shouldn’t it become 0? but it works fine when adding new elements. any ideas?

  • monoman

    got it. the edit function was correct: the “root” parent_id must be NULL. the problem was in the add function: it sets the root parent_id to 0 when it should be also NULL.

  • m7o

    thanks a lot for sharing this.

    just a little something (i will work on this as as well and post solutions here when i find them): After one successful drag, dragging another element does not do what it’s supposed to anymore.

    Anyway, this is a wonderful starting point for building drag&drop tree lists from Database data with CakePHP and JQuery (my favorite frameworks anyway) 😉

    Did you post this somewhere in the CakePHP realm, f.e. the Bakery or The Google Groups?

    Cheers m7o

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    I agree with your blog, lucky to read your blog!

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  • AD

    couldn’t get it to work. I am not sure if I put in all the jquery scripts in the webroot/js folder. Can you please help me? Thanks!

By Jamie

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